A Community Built For Action

We convene, educate, and inspire high-net-worth individuals, family offices, advisors, and foundations who contribute their expertise and resources to our collective work. Our extended community also includes company founders, fund managers, and ecosystem partners who collaborate with us on ecosystem building as well as moving capital.

An Unparalleled Network of Values Aligned Investors

Throughout the year, we host a variety of in-person and virtual learning and networking events, including portfolio site visits, regional dinners, webinars, roundtables, and founder hours.  We also facilitate investment-focused events such as collaborative diligence sessions and portfolio reviews.  We provide flexible engagement points to meet investors where they are.

Shared Learning

Engaging programming and content that sparks discourse, curiosity, mindset shifts, and collaborative action​.

Purposeful Networking

Meaningful curation of events and introductions to build deeper trust beyond investments​.

Investment Execution

Deal flow and diligence opportunities alongside other investors.

Our Annual Event

2024 Gratitude Investor Gathering

Gratitude Railroad’s annual convening of investors, founders, fund managers, & impact leaders – in the Northern California redwoods.

This year our annual gathering will take place from Tuesday, November 12th – Friday, November 15th at 1440 Multiversity, a stunning 75-acre state of the art learning & retreat center, located just north of Santa Cruz in Scotts Valley California.

Fortunate to be part of and have access to what I believe 
is ‘best of breed’ in the impact and inclusive capital space.
Michael, Fund LP
Consistent exposure to relevant and interesting deals.
Gianna, Investment Partner
I value getting to know a community of genuinely wonderful people dedicated to using capital as a force for positive change.
Sidney, Investment Partner
Likeminded, diverse individuals using our capital and talent to solve pressing problems.
Doug, ICF Fund LP